Melbourne Detailing Centre - Paint Protection Melbourne

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Lamborghini Diablo Roadster

Prior to a full vehicle PPFinstall, we were commissioned to perform our bespoke paint correction & enhancement services.

After a decontamination stage to remove any embedded ferrous and organic contaminates on the surface of the paint, a 3 stage paint correction was undertaken. Removal of deep scratches, swirls and marring, followed by enhancement stages, refined the finish to reveal what we would expect with a vehicle such as this.

Wheels were removed, cleaned, decontaminated, polished and coated with a dedicated ceramic wheel coating. This will ensure maintaining these wheels will be a breeze as well as protecting them from pitting.

The interior of the Diablo is completely covered with leather, all surfaces were cleaned and treated to restore moisture and leave the leather supple.

Thank you again @simonchamaa for entrusting us with your collection.

@stravamedia for photos